Creative arts and child development programs are based in schools, monasteries and disability centres. Creative arts and child development program was developed as art offers a platform to escape from reality and the hardships of everyday life for vulnerable and disadvantaged children, while also teaching skills that can positively impact their futures.
Creative arts and child development have included arts as part of the curriculum in the hope to improve the children’s creativity, and ultimately, their lives. Creative arts and child development programs allow students to express themselves, tapping into their inventiveness and creativity and are a fun outlet that helps positively stimulate and motivate.
By teaching youth creative skills and allowing them the freedom to express themselves, volunteers are imparting these youth the skills to help them towards a happier, more fulfilling life. Since this is a new initiative in the education system, there is a severe lack of creative arts teachers and a desperate need for volunteers to help staff the project.
Creative arts and child development volunteers are encouraged to teach any creative subject or activity that will benefit the children. Resources are limited so donations from volunteers are greatly appreciated. Creative arts and child development volunteering programs are important for those volunteers who are designing activities that might be new and need additional materials.
Creative arts and child development program volunteers gain teaching experience while sharing their love of art and music in a way that helps encourage students to learn about and raise awareness of global issues, and to make positive changes in their own community and way of life.
Creative arts and child development opportunities enable individuals to share their creative passions with communities, youth and teens around the world. As part of a well-rounded education, it is critical that children have access to creative resources and outlets.
In many low-income communities, however, art and music are not a focus or a priority within education systems. As a creative arts and child development, you will support local teachers by putting structure around artistic programs. By bringing your own creative flair and talent, you will help teach youth and teens the importance of art, music and creativity, whether it be playing the guitar, dancing or general arts and crafts.
"It is George and Anna. We had the best medical elective in Nepal. We are two medical students from the UK studying at the University of Warwick, and we decided to join Volunteer World Nepal's medical elective volunteer program for our medical elective volunteering placement in Nepal. We are both in our final year of being students and will start working as doctors this summer...."